MC Championship (MCC) Scuffed: Live scores and game standings

It wasn't an April Fools' Day prank after all.

Image via Noxcrew

A rather unusual installment of Noxcrew and Smajor’s MC Championship (MCC) tournament has arrived to surprise and confuse players and fans alike. This run of the Minecraft tournament is called MCC Scuffed and features a special theme that is all about chaos.

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When the announcement for this event was first shared, most viewers believed that it was simply an April Fools’ Day prank. However, fans then came to believe that it must be real when the 10 teams competing in the event were later unveiled.

Image via Noxcrew

Related: Every MC Championship (MCC) winner, ever | All Winners

Now, MCC Scuffed is officially here as an official new kind of non-canon event. Non-canon events run as unique occurrences outside of the regular canonical version of the tournament and thus don’t count toward the player’s overall wins or scores. Instead, non-canon events are focused on a special theme.

For MCC Scuffed, the theme is chaos and disorder in honor of April Fools’ Day. Because of this, the entire event will be extremely messy and unexpected, as all of the mini-games are set to feature unique twists and turns.

The pool of games that players would get to choose from during the event was unclear as the MCC team shared a confusing image with a few repeats of Big Sales at Build Mart and a “shutterblock” logo all across the image. MCC’s official update video for MCC Scuffed did mention some of the games that would be played, but in keeping with the theme of the event, even the update video was scuffed.

Once the event did go live, players did not get a choice for the first game as it kicked off with a Decision Dome that only featured the grand return of Bingo But Fast.

Everything about this installment of the Minecraft tournament was scuffed including the design of the MCC hub, the game sounds throughout, how the Decision Dome functioned, and how each game was played.

All MCC Scuffed scores

Every MCC event moves at a fairly quick pace that can be difficult to keep up with, but MCC Scuffed is easily the most chaotic event yet since its very theme is disorder. Because of this, viewers might be struggling to keep up with the tournament as it progress but can ensure that they know how the event is progressing by keeping up with the scores here.

Bingo But Fast Scores

MCC Scuffed’s first game was called Bingo But Fast, a mini-game that was first introduced in MCC 6 and retired after MCC 13. It returned for the MC Scuffed version of the event when it was the only game players could vote for in the Decision Dome.

This mini-game is based on regular Bingo and asks players to collect a bunch of Minecraft items that are listed to them on a grid. Players must scour a vast map to gather the resources and craft the items. Teamwork is essential here as players can teleport to each other to share resources and thus craft assets more quickly.

For the MCC Scuffed run of this mini-game, players were asked to gather a hefty amount of assets to craft items that were tough to create within the 10 minutes that they were allotted. Items that they had to gather included assets like Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli blocks, Diamond blocks, pistons, clocks, and blast furnaces.

Screengrab via MCC Live

Bingo But Fast Winner: Blue Bats

First Place Overall: Blue Bats

Battle Box Scores

Once the first game ended, players were then given a choice between, Battle Box, Big Sales at Build Mart, Hole in the Wall, Sands of Time, and Survival Games. Battle Box ended up receiving the most votes and players were confused as they loaded into the game with carrot swords. 

Battle Box is a PvP-based game that places the teams in head-to-head battles against each one of the other teams across the course of nine rounds. The MCC Scuffed version of the event featured a strange vegetable-themed map, and players were granted coins for eating their carrot sword. Otherwise, the mini-game ran as usual. 

Screengrab via MCC Live

Battle Box Winner: Green Geckos

First Place Overall: Green Geckos

Hole in the Wall Scores

The third game to take place in MCC Scuffed was Hole in the Wall, which is a game focused on survival. Players must navigate through a series of puzzle walls whilst on a small platform and want to live for as long as they possibly can without falling off.

In MCC Scuffed, players had a rapidly decreasing hunger bar that consistently lowered so that they had to keep an eye on it or they would perish from starvation. This made the game much more difficult as the competitors had to balance being focused on navigating through the puzzle walls and ensuring that they kept themselves fed. Another addition during this game was that eating vegetables or fruits during Hole in the Wall granted more coins to those who consumed them.

Screengrab via MCC Live

Hole in the Wall Winner: Aqua Axolotls

First Place Overall: Green Geckos

Survival Games Scores

MCC Scuffed’s fourth game was Survival Games, which is all about who can survive the longest and obtain the most kills. The structure of this game is reminiscent of The Hunger Games franchise or Fortnite, and teams must loot around the map before then moving inwards as the border increasingly shrinks.

Noxcrew and Smajor said during the update video that the MCC Scuffed version of Survival Games featured a map that was AI-generated and combined all of the best aspects of every Survival Games map in existence. Because of this, the map merged the maps players already knew into a new map that they didn’t know.

Screengrab via MCC Live

Survival Games Winner: Red Rabbits

First Place Overall: Green Geckos


As is always the case, the fifth game in each MCC event incorporates the audience in determining what happens next. Usually, fans are helping decide which game is played, but for MCC Scuffed, the audience instead had to choose a modifier that would then be applied to TGTTOSAWAF.

The modifiers fans got to choose from were Slow Falling, Darkness, Jump Boost, and Speed. Whichever one received the fewest votes would then be the one that was played.

The poll to select the modifier ended up breaking so the MCC team had to choose which modifier was applied during TGTTOSAWAF themselves. Normally, TGTTOSAWAF is a game that is all about reaching the other side of six unique maps as quickly as possible.

But with the special MCC Scuffed modifier applied, players had to balance getting to the other side as fast as possible with the modifiers that Noxcrew chose. The modifier changed with each round, and every modifier from the ones that were featured in the poll ended up being played across the different maps except for Jump Boost.

The Scuffed version of the game also featured fall damage which meant that it was much easier for players to accidentally perish and get sent back to the beginning.

Screengrab via MCC Live

TGTTOSAWAF Winner: Green Geckos

First Place Overall: Green Geckos

Sands of Time Scores

Players could only choose between Sands of Time and Big Sales at Build Mart for the sixth game and Sands of Time ended up winning. Usually, Sands of Time is a game focused on conquering a complex dungeon area that hides many vaults packed with coins. The catch is that a giant sand time sits at the center of the map, and players must also bring sand to it; otherwise, they will lose all their treasures and claim no coins in the mini-game.

For MCC Scuffed, instead of exiting through the portal and straight to safety, players had to navigate through a makeshift deep dark biome situated around a dangerous lava parkour. The Warden mob spawned in, and players weren’t safe until they exited through the portal on the other side.

Screengrab via MCC Live

Sands of Time Winner: Blue Bats

First Place Overall: Green Geckos

Big Sales at Build Mart Scores

The only mini-game that was on the Decision Dome for the seventh game was Big Sales at Build Mart, so it was selected to be played. Big Sales at Build Mart is a building game where players must venture out to gather materials and return back to base to construct them.

Instead of exiting immediately to the area that has all of the building supplies, players first had to navigate through a small Nether area. When players died, they then lost all of the supplies that they’d gathered, which made the game much more difficult. All players were also given a scuffed hand-drawn map to find where the supplies they needed were located.

Screengrab via MCC Live

Big Sales at Build Mart Winner: Blue Bats

First Place Overall: Green Geckos

Skyblockle Scores

The final game in MCC Scuffed before the finale Dodgebolt duel was another grand return as Skyblockle returned for the first time since it was retired after MCC 9. Skyblockle was replaced by Sky Battle, but for MCC Scuffed, it was a surprise final game.

This game is fairly similar to Sky Battle and asks players to gather loot from around the map and then proceed inwards to eliminate other players. While Sky Battle grants players unlimited blocks from the start, Skyblockle makes players work because they have to mine and craft to obtain blocks they can place to move inwards. Sky Battle also takes place over three rounds, while Skyblockle is one massive extended round.

The differences between Skyblockle and Sky Battle are minor, so even though it was a surprise blast from the past, players and fans who were unfamiliar with Skyblockle still had a solid idea of what was occurring.

Screengrab via MCC Live

Skyblockle Winner: Blue Bats

First Place Overall: Blue Bats

Coin results

The coin totals for the event going into the Dodgebolt finale are as follows.

Screengrab via MCC Live

Dodgebolt results

Instead of a showdown between the top two performing teams, the Dodgebolt finale duel paired up the top two teams with the bottom two teams. The Dodgebolt lineup was thus the Blue Bats and the Lime Llamas versus the Green Geckos and the Yellow Yaks.

Screengrab via MCC Live

It was an extremely chaotic showdown with eight players on both sides, but the Blue Bats and the Lime Llamas were crowned the victors of MCC Scuffed with a Dodgebolt score of 3-1. The Blue Bats included GeminiTay, fWhip, Smallishbeans, and Smajor, while the Lime Llamas included Skeppy, awesamdude, BadBoyHalo, and Ponk.

Image of Kacee Fay
Kacee Fay
Staff Writer at Dot Esports covering new releases and a wide array of topics including Minecraft, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Phasmophobia, general gaming, streaming, and more. She has been avidly writing and gaming her whole life and now spends her time combining the two. Kacee graduated from San Diego State University in 2021 with a Bachelor’s Degree in English and a Certificate in Creative Editing and Publishing. She then joined Dot Esports as a Freelance Writer in 2022 before transitioning to a Staff Writer in 2023. In her spare time, she enjoys buying more books than she can read, gaming alone or with friends, drinking too much tea, attending concerts, fangirling over movies and television, listening to music, and spending time with her family, friends, and pets, who are the most important parts of her world.