Best agents to counter Gekko in VALORANT

They've got the skills to keep the new guy down.

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Gekko is the latest agent to join VALORANT as of Episode Six, Act Two, which means you’re likely going to see him frequently at the start of the act during both your unrated and competitive games. And that means you’ll need to know how to beat him.

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Gekko is an initiator who equips creatures that take the form of his abilities. Dizzy is a powerful flash that can blind multiple opponents in the creature’s line-of-sight, Wingman can stun opponents or plant or defuse the spike, Mosh Pit is a deadly molly, and the Thrash ultimate will detain enemy players. All abilities except Mosh Pit can also be picked up after use and used again in the round.

He sounds broken at first, but he’s not as deadly as he might seem. Dizzy, Wingman, and Thrash can all be destroyed by gunfire or damage-dealing abilities, and while Mosh Pit deals a lot of damage in a wide radius, it can be avoided.

But if you really want to keep the enemy Gekko at bay, check out these agents in VALORANT.

Best Gekko counters in VALORANT


A close-up of KAYO shooting a massive machine gun.
Image via Riot Games

There’s no more viable agent to deal with a strong ability kit than the mechanical initiator capable of suppressing said abilities. While KAY/O’s ZERO/POINT knife or NULL/CMD ultimate will not completely keep Gekko from using his abilities, they’re the best option for keeping him under control.

An early KAY/O knife near the corridor of a vital chokepoint will keep Gekko from throwing out Dizzy, Wingman, or Mosh Pit at the start of the round, which takes away Gekko’s exceptional ability to create or take space. Using the NULL/CMD ultimate towards the end of the round either while defending site or retaking a site will keep his abilities at bay as well.

Killjoy or Cypher

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Having a sentinel player that knows their utility placements is vital to holding off Gekko aggression. With Killjoy, players will be able to set Alarmbots and Nanoswarms to deter an overaggressive Gekko from overwhelming a site with their abilities during an execute or a retake.

With Cypher, Trapwires can slow down Gekko and the Spy Cam can relay information, allowing Cypher’s teammates to get into spots where they are less vulnerable to getting spammed with abilities.

Jett, Neon, or Raze

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Gekko’s greatest strength is his ability to quickly carve out space with his creatures, and so an aggressive entry player that can take space first is a logical counter. Jett and Neon can create their own cover and quickly take space using their enhanced movement mechanics, while Raze can use her explosive abilities to keep enemies at bay while also taking space herself.

Image of Scott Robertson
Scott Robertson
VALORANT lead staff writer, also covering CS:GO, FPS games, other titles, and the wider esports industry. Watching and writing esports since 2014. Previously wrote for Dexerto, Upcomer, Splyce, and somehow MySpace. Jack of all games, master of none.