FlyQuest prove they’re the team to beat in win over C9—and the way they did it should scare the LCS

More than just Prince and his subjects.

Photo by Colin Young-Wolff via Riot Games

FlyQuest and Cloud9 came into today’s all-important LCS Spring Split faceoff as the only two undefeated teams left in the league. Ultimately, it was FlyQuest who escaped as the last perfect squad left, and they did it in unbelievably clean fashion. In the span of a 30-minute game that lasted half as long as its preceding delay, FlyQuest effectively disposed of C9, beating them by a kill score of 13-2 while holding a gold differential of 12,000. 

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Today’s game was expected to be the most competitive match of the week, but FlyQuest made sure that there were no questions as to who is the best team in the LCS right now. Just six minutes into the game, FlyQuest mid laner VicLa picked up a double kill on Sylas, and he was off to the races from there. In total, VicLa finished with a scoreline of 7/1/3, participating in 10 of FlyQuest’s 13 total kills. 

What’s particularly impressive about this FlyQuest team just two weeks into the season is how effortlessly they’ve designated their carry options across just four games. In week one, it was ADC Prince who emerged as a sturdy win condition for the team, and today, VicLa put the team on his back early and often. Don’t forget that Impact and Spica have carried many games in their LCS careers, too; if FlyQuest can pass the torch and label any player on their roster as a “carry” at any moment, they’re going to find plenty of wins. 

Having multiple players who can shoulder the load and pull their team over the finish line is part of what makes a great League of Legends team. It’s what made lineups like 2022 Evil Geniuses, 2020 DAMWON, and other exemplary squads so effective. When a team has multiple options at different positions who can pivot and become the resource-absorber, they’re going to be poised for stable success. 

Keep in mind, though, that C9 also holds that formula in their back pocket. Just because Fudge had his first bad game of the season today doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be able to bounce right back in a best-of series, just as he (and Berserker and Blaber) did for C9 in 2022. Next week, C9 will look to do exactly that against two top-half squads in TSM and EG. 

As for FlyQuest, who have become an uncontested favorite at the top of the LCS, they’ll take to the stage next week against EG and 100 Thieves—two dead-to-rights title contenders that they’ll have to beat to prove that their chase for a title isn’t a flake. 

Image of Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly
Staff Writer covering World of Warcraft and League of Legends, among others. Mike's been with Dot since 2020, and has been covering esports since 2018.