Every TFT Set 6 champion: Abilities, cost, stats, and updates

Here's a cheat sheet for every Set Six champion.

TFT Set 6 Zac
Image via Riot Games

A total of 58 Teamfight Tactics champions are in Set Six Gizmos and Gadgets, showcasing a wide range of abilities. 

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Scheduled to release onto the PBE via Patch 11.21 and launch officially on Nov. 3, TFT Set Six Gizmos and Gadgets is unlike any previous set. A total of 58 champions appear in the sixth set, and 11 of them have three traits

The abilities and stats of each champion are subject to change daily throughout the PBE, and balance changes will take place every two weeks following the official release of TFT Set Six. We will update this article with each balance change during the two-week PBE testing stage and with each patch after launch. 

From Twitch and Seraphine to Orianna and Jayce, here’s every TFT Set Six Gizmos and Gadgets champion, their abilities, and stats. 

One-cost TFT Set Six champions

TFT Set 6 Camille
Image via Riot Games

There are a total of 13 one-cost TFT Set Six champions. 

Caitlyn (Enforcer/Sniper)

Caitlyn’s Ace in the Hole spell targets the farthest enemy, dealing 800/1400/2000 magic damage to the first enemy her bullet hits.

Camille (Clockwork/Challenger)

Camille gains a shield blocking 225/300/425 damage over a total of four seconds with her spell Defensive Sweep, then sweeps her leg, dealing 150/200/300 magic damage to enemies in a cone. While the shield is active, Camille’s attacks restore 30 health.  

Darius (Syndicate/Bodyguard)

Darius’ spell Decimate swings his axe in a circle, dealing 100/150/200 magic damage. He then heals himself for 120/140/160 health for each enemy hit. 

Ezreal (Scrap/Innovator)

Ezreal fires a missile at his target with Mystic Shot, dealing 125/200/350 magic damage. If the missile hits, he grants himself 20 percent bonus attack speed that stacks up to 150 percent at five stacks. Bonus damage from his spell is 25/50/100.

Garen (Academy/Protector)

Garen shrugs off all crowd control effects with Decisive Strike, empowering his next strike to deal 225 percent of his attack damage, plus an additional 15 percent of his missing health in bonus physical damage. Garen can cast this ability while stunned.

Graves (Academy/Twinshot)

Graves launches a smoke grenade toward the enemy with the highest attack speed via his spell Smoke Grenade. The grenade explodes on impact, dealing 150/250/400 magic damage to nearby enemies, who can’t attack for 2/2.5/3 seconds while they remain within the smoke cloud.

Illaoi (Mercenary/Bruiser)

Illaoi slams her target with Harsh Lesson, linking her soul to them for five seconds and dealing 200/325/550 magic damage. While linked, Illaoi heals for 25/30/40 percent of the damage taken by her target. 

Kassadin (Mutant/Protector)

Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target with Null Sphere, dealing 250/325/400 magic damage, applying 50 percent mana reave across the board, and granting Kassadin a shield that reduces incoming damage by 25 percent for a total of five seconds. 

Poppy (Yordle/Bodyguard)

Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing 180/210/240 percent of her armor as magic damage. The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks 225/275/375 damage. Poppy scales with armor.

Singed (Chemtech/Innovator)

Singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies with his spell Fling, stunning his target for 1.5/2/3 seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take 125/175/250 magic damage and are briefly stunned. 

Twisted Fate (Syndicate/Arcanist)

Twisted Fate throws three cards in a cone that deal 155/205/275 magic damage to each enemy they pass through. 

Twitch (Chemtech/Assassin)

Twitch fires Piercing Bolt towards his target, dealing 175/185/200 percent of his attack damage as physical damage and applying 50 percent Grievous Wounds for five seconds. Twitch is the only ranged Assassin.

Ziggs (Scrap/Yordle/Arcanist)

Ziggs hurls a Mini Inferno Bomb at his target. The bomb lands after a moderate delay, dealing 300/400/550 magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter and half of that damage to adjacent enemies.

Two-cost Set Six champions

TFT Set 6 Zilean
Image via Riot Games

There are a total of 13 two-cost TFT Set Six champions. 

Blitzcrank (Scrap/Protector/Bodyguard)

Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy with Rocket Grab, dealing 150/300/900 magic damage and stunning them for 2.5 seconds. His next attack after pulling inflicts knock-up for one second. Allies within range prefer attacking Blitzcrank’s target. 

Zyra (Syndicate/Scholar)

Zyra summons vines with Grasping Spines in the row with the most enemies, dealing 325/450/675 magic damage and stunning them for 1.5/2/2.5 seconds. 

Katarina (Academy/Assassin)

Katarina blinks behind the enemy with the lowest health within three hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing 160/200/250 magic damage. Katarina gains 20 mana for each enemy killed by her Shunpo spell. Blue Buff is an ideal item on Katarina.

Kog’Maw (Mutant/Sniper/Twinshot)

For three seconds, Kog’Maw gains infinite attack range, 75 percent attack speed, and his attacks deal 8/8/8 percent of the target’s maximum health as bonus magic damage.

Quinn (Mercenary/Challenger)

Quinn targets an enemy with Disarming Assault, dealing 150/250/350 magic damage to all targets damaged by her spell. All enemies hit with Quinn’s spell have their attack damage reduced by 40/40/80 percent for a total of four seconds. Spell disarm duration is 2/2.5/3 seconds. Quinn is a utility champion for the traits Mercenary and Challenger.

Swain (Imperial/Arcanist)

Swain unleashes his spell Death’s Hand in a cone towards his target, dealing 250/375/525 magic damage to enemies within, and healing Swain for 225/250/350 for each enemy hit. He is a frontline unit.

Talon (Imperial/Assassin)

Talon’s Blade’s End spell has a Passive: Talon’s first attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for 450/625/950 magic damage over seven seconds. Every third attack on a target applies an additional bleed. Infinity Edge will increase the crit bleed.

Tristana (Yordle/Sniper)

Tristana fires Buster Shot towards her target, dealing 200/210/175 percent of her attack damage plus 150/200/250 physical damage to the first enemy it hits. If the target is within two Hexes of Tristana, they’re knocked back 1/2/3 Hexes and briefly stunned. Tristana scales with attack damage.

Warwick (Chemtech/Challenger)

Warwick’s spell Eternal Hunger has a Passive: Warwick’s Attacks deal an additional 7/9/12 percent of his target’s current health as bonus magic damage and heal him for the damage dealt. His heal is  35/50/75. Warwick works best with attack speed and tank items.

Trundle (Scrap/Bruiser)

Trundle bites his target with Chomp, dealing 140 percent of his attack damage, applying 25 percent attack speed Slow for three seconds, and stealing 20/25/40 attack damage for the rest of combat. 

Lulu (Yordle/Enchanter)

Lulu targets 1/2/3 low health allies with Wild Growth, granting them 400/425/450 bonus health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already embiggened with Wild Growth, they are healed instead. 

Zilean (Clockwork/Innovator)

Zilean places Time Bomb on the closest enemy, stunning them for 1.5/2/2.5 seconds. The bomb explodes when the stun ends or the target dies, dealing 200/300/700 magic damage to adjacent enemies and applying 20/35/50 percent attack speed Slow for four seconds. Zilean is a solid utility Set Six champion.  

Vi (Enforcer/Sister/Bruiser)

Vi hits with Denting Blow, dealing 250/375/600 magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their armor by 40/50/70 percent for eight seconds.

Three-cost TFT Set Six champions

TFT Set 6 Malzahar
Image via Riot Games

There are a total of 13 three-cost TFT Set Six champions. 

Cho’Gath (Mutant/Colossus/Bruiser)

Cho’Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range with Feast, dealing 900/975/1050 magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho’Gath gains a stack of Feast, up to 20/40/999. Each stack of Feast grants Cho’Gath two percent bonus health and size permanently.

Cho’Gath one-star is capped at 10 stacks and 20 stacks at two-star. There is no cap for three-star Cho’Gath. Titans Resolve is a powerful item on Cho’Gath.

Ekko (Scrap/Innovator)

Ekko invokes Parallel Convergence, an afterimage that launches a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals 175/225/375 magic damage to enemies within and applies 35/35/50 percent reduced movement speed for a total of four seconds. Allies inside gain 35/40/50 percent attack speed for a total of four seconds. Ekko is a utility champion for the Assassin trait.

Gangplank (Mercenary/Twinshot)

Gangplank shoots his target with his spell Parrley, dealing a percent of his attack damage plus bonus physical damage. If this kills a champion, Gangplank plunders one gold. Attack damage items like Deathblade in conjunction with Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster are strong on Gangplank when Twinshot is enabled.

  • Spell attack damage percentage: 170 percent across the board
  • Spell base damage: 110/150/200

Heimerdinger (Yordle/Scholar/Innovator)

Heimerdinger fires three waves of five rockets with Rocket Swarm that converge on his target with a range of four Hexes. Each rocket deals 70/100/150 magic damage, reduced by 30 percent for each target they hit. Every third cast, Heimerdinger summons three waves instead.

Leona (Academy/Bodyguard)

Leona uses Solar Eclipse, granting herself a 500/800/1300 health shield for a total of four seconds. Leona and allies within two Hexes gain 30/50/80 armor and magic resistance for the same duration. She is a solid frontline unit.

Lissandra (Chemtech/Scholar)

Lissandra encases her target with Iron Maiden, stunning them for 1.5 seconds and dealing 250/325/550 magic damage to enemies within two Hexes. Damage from her spell reduces enemies’ attack damage by 30 percent for four seconds. If Lissandra is below 50 percent health, she encases herself instead, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and invulnerable for two seconds. 

Malzahar (Mutant/Arcanist)

Malzahar targets the mind of the closest unafflicted enemies, dealing 650/850/1100 magic damage over eight seconds and applying 40 percent magic resistance shred for the duration. If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest 1.5 unafflicted targets with the remaining duration. Three-star Malzahar has his dots spread twice and Hextech Gunblade is an ideal item.

Miss Fortune (Mercenary/Sniper)

Miss Fortune uses her spell Make it Rain to hit random enemies with four waves of bullets, dealing 275/375/600 total magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by 50 percent for six seconds. Deathcap and Spear of Shojin are solid items on Miss Fortune.

Samira (Imperial/Challenger)

If a target is adjacent to Samira, she slashes with her blade via Flair in a cone towards them, dealing 165/170/180 percent of her attack damage as physical damage to all enemies within. Enemies within also have their armor reduced by 10/15/20. This armor reduction can stack. Otherwise, she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effects and refunds 20 mana. Any target within melee range is hit with Samira’s sword that can hit multiple targets.

Shaco (Syndicate/Assassin)

Shaco dips into the shadows with Deceive, briefly becoming untargetable. His next attack deals 185 percent of his attack damage as physical damage and is guaranteed to critically strike targets below 50 percent health. Shaco’s spell base damage is 90/110/130.

Taric (Socialite/Enchanter)

Taric heals himself and the lowest Health ally unit for 325/425/600 with Starlight Bastion. Any overhealing is converted to a shield that lasts for a total of four seconds. Taric is a support champion of his traits that is best equipped with tank items and targets enemy units with the lowest HP percentage.

Zac (Chemtech/Bruiser)

Zac stretches his arms up to three Hexes to pull the two most distant enemies towards him with Yoink! and deals 400/525/999 magic damage.

Vex (Yordle/Arcanist)

Vex shields herself against 525/675/850 damage over a total of four seconds with Personal Space. When the shield expires, it deals 100/135/175 magic damage to all enemies within two Hexes and an additional 150/250/350 damage if it wasn’t destroyed. If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes 10 percent stronger during this combat. This effect can stack. Vex is a tank unit that can deal massive amounts of damage.

Four-cost TFT Set Six champions

TFT Set 6 Orianna
Image via Riot Games

There are a total of 11 four-cost TFT Set Six champions. 

Braum (Syndicate/Bodyguard)

Braum slams Vault Breaker, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within two Hexes of Braum and those struck by the fissure are stunned for 2.5/3.5/7 seconds and take 100/200/600 magic damage. Braum is ideal for dealing Crowd Control to enemy units.

Dr. Mundo (Chemtech/Mutant/Bruiser)

Dr. Mundo’s Zap Dose injects him with “medicine,” restoring 35 percent of his maximum health while energizing him for five seconds. During the time he is energized, Dr. Mundo restores an additional 25/35/100 percent of his maximum health over the duration and deals 80/125/300 magic damage to a random nearby enemy.

When the “medicine” expires, Dr. Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals 15/20/50 percent of his current health as magic damage to all enemies within two Hexes. Tank items are ideal for Dr. Mundo.

Fiora (Enforcer/Challenger)

Fiora becomes untargetable and strikes four times at her target’s vitals with Blade Waltz. Each strike deals 170 percent of her attack damage as physical damage, 60/100/300 bonus true damage, and heals her for 15 percent of the total damage dealt. If the target dies, Fiora will change targets to the nearest enemy.

Janna (Scrap/Enchanter/Scholar)

Janna summons the spell Monsoon, knocking back nearby enemies and stunning them for 0.5/0.5/4  seconds. The Monsoon heals allies for 350/450/1000 health over the course of three seconds. Janna protects your backline from Assassin units.

Jhin (Clockwork/Sniper)

With Curtain Call, Jhin transforms his weapon into a sniper rifle for his next four shots. Each shot deals 150/200/300 percent of his attack damage as physical damage, reduced by 50 percent for each target it pierces through. The fourth shot is guaranteed to critically strike and deals 44 percent more damage based on his target’s missing health. 

The four-cost also has a Passive: Jhin always attacks 0.9/0.9/1.4 times per second. He converts each one percent of bonus Attack Speed into 0.8 attack damage.

Lux (Academy/Arcanist)

After gathering energy, Lux’s Final Spark fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing 225/375/1000 magic damage and reducing the magic resistance of enemies by 40/40/80 percent for a total of four seconds. Lux is a strong rapid-casting Set Six unit that benefits from items like Blue Buff and Jeweled Gauntlet.

Orianna (Clockwork/Enchanter)

Orianna sends out Command: Shockwave towards the largest group of Set Six champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within two Hexes gain 100/150/400 shield for four seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and take 350/550/1000 magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in, stunning them for 1/1/4 seconds.

Seraphine (Socialite/Innovator)

Seraphine projects Encore towards the largest group of units. The song deals 275/450/1200 magic damage to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed for 250/350/1000 health and gain  30/50/150 percent attack speed for a total of four seconds. Seraphine is good at buffing her team.

Sion (Imperial/Protector/Colossus)

Sion winds up Decimating Smash, then smashes his axe down. All enemies within a large area are knocked up, stunned for 2.5/3/6 seconds, and take 125/200/500 magic damage. Sion is the only damage-based Colossus trait champion. Hextech Gunblade and Jeweled Gauntlet are ideal items for Sion.

Yone (Academy/Challenger)

Yone summons his spirit via Soul Unbound to attack distant enemies for 4/5/15 seconds that are up to three Hexes away. The spirit is an untargetable, invulnerable copy of Yone and heals him for 40/50/100 percent of the damage it deals. If Yone dies, his spirit dies with him. Yone is an ideal melee carry.

Urgot (Chemtech/Twinshot)

Urgot attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of 5/5/10 attacks per second for a total of five seconds with Purge. Each attack deals 30 percent attack damage and 30 percent attack speed physical damage. Damage from Urgot’s ability scales with attack damage and attack speed. Patch 12.1 changed Urgot’s spell to every third attack counts as a basic attack, previously every second attack.

Five-cost TFT Set Six champions

TFT Set 6 Jinx
Image via Riot Games

There are a total of seven five-cost TFT Set Six champions. 

Akali (Syndicate/Assassin)

Akali dashes through the most enemies in a line, dealing 275/375/2000 magic damage and marking them for seven seconds. When a marked target drops below 15/25/90% Health, Akali dashes again, dealing 225/350/2000 magic damage to enemies she passes through and executes the marked target. Infinity Edge and Deathcap are ideal items on Akali. Akali is not a champion who works well without trait synergy or items.

Galio (Socialite/Colossus/Bodyguard)

Galio becomes invulnerable with Colossal Entrance and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take 70/100/1999 magic damage and are knocked into the sky for 1.5/1.75/9.5 seconds. The lower the enemy’s maximum health is compared to Galio’s, the further they are knocked up. Galio has 1,900 base health at one-star and an increased crash zone radius at three-star.

The five-cost also has a Passive: Galio’s critical strike slams the ground, dealing 100/150/500 bonus magic damage to enemies around his target. Galio is an ideal frontline champion.

Jayce (Enforcer/Transformer/Innovator)

In melee form, Jayce slams his hammer down onto nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their armor and magic resistance with Mercury Cannon. With ranged form, Jayce deploys an acceleration gain, granting bonus attack speed to allies in the same row. He then fires an orb of electricity at the largest enemy group using Mercury Hammer. Forms are determined on whether he is a frontline or backline unit.

  • Ranged attack: 170/180/500
  • Ranged attack: Damage gain 45/70/1000
  • Melee attack: 160/170/1000
  • Melee shield: 375/550/3000

Jinx (Sister/Scrap/Twinshot)

Jinx rides her Super Mega Death Rocket above the battle. After a slight delay, she comes crashing down near the centermost enemy, dealing 425/650/8888 magic damage to enemies around the epicenter and 50 percent to all other enemies in a large area visually depicted with fire. Jinx can only cast Super Mega Death Rocket once. And her spell attack damage scaling is 190/200/888.

The epicenter burns every unit (including allies) except Jinx for five seconds, dealing 2/2.5/3 percent of the target’s maximum health as true damage and reducing healing for the duration. She then swaps to her rocket launcher as a range unit, causing her attacks to deal 200 percent bonus attack damage in a small area around her target. Items like Jeweled Gauntlet, Infinity Edge, and Hand of Justice are ideal on Jinx.

Kai’Sa (Mutant/Challenger)

Kai’sa dashes to the Hex furthest from all enemies via Icathian Monsoon. She then fires a volley of 10/15/100 missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal 70/90/180 magic damage to each target. Kai’Sa fires a bonus missile for each time she has attacked this combat. Kai’sa is the best user of the item Morellonomicon.

Tahm Kench (Mercenary/Glutton/Bruiser)

Tahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly for three seconds, dealing 850/1350/30000 magic damage over the duration. During this time, the target is invulnerable to other sources of damage, and Tahm Kench takes 30 percent reduced damage. Devour also deals 35 percent of its damage to units that are immune to crowd control.

If the enemy dies while inside, Tahm Kench spits out a random item component they were holding or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets they impact. Feeding Tahm Kench a champion gains the five-cost stats based on that unit’s trait. A three-star Tahm Kench gains 20 times the usual stats when fed an allied unit.

  • Bodyguard provides armor.
  • Enchanter provides magic resistance.
  • Bruiser provides health.
  • Colossus provides health.
  • Protector provides health.
  • And all other traits provide ability power.
  • Tiebreakers have armor and magic resistance winning out over health, with both winning out over ability power.

Viktor (Chemtech/Arcanist)

Viktor summons multiple singularities that fire death rays in a line across the battlefield. Enemies hit with the death ray take 200 magic damage. Basic attacks reduce a target’s armor by 70 percent for six seconds. Damage is 360/420/1500 per laser and shield break is 25/33/100 percent. Spear of Shojin is an ideal item for Viktor.

Yummi (Academy/Cuddly/Scholar)

Yuumi and Book launch 3/6/33 waves toward the farthest enemy, with each wave dealing 45/80/247 magic damage and stunning enemies for one second. Yuumi then reattaches to the nearest ally. Applying Warmogs on Yummi is ideal.

All Set Six Gizmos and Gadgets champion abilities and stats will get updated throughout the PBE testing period and with every TFT patch after launch.

Update Oct. 18 2pm CT: All abilities and stats were updated with information from game design director Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer in his PBE Rundown video.

Update Oct. 20 11:30am CT: We’ve updated this piece to reflect the adjustments from the Oct. 20 PBE Patch notes.

Update Oct. 21 12pm CT: We’ve updated this piece to reflect the adjustments from the Oct. 21 PBE Patch notes.

Update Oct. 22 2:30pm CT: We’ve updated the TFT Set Six champions adjusted in the Oct. 22 PBE patch.

Update Oct. 26 1:15pm CT: Stats and abilities of Set Six champions updated with Oct. 26 PBE patch notes.

Update Oct. 28 1pm CT: All changes from the Oct. 27 PBE patch were updated.

Update Nov. 2 1:45pm CT: All Set Six champion stats were updated for the release of Gizmos and Gadgets.

Update Nov. 16 1:45 CT: Balance changes from Patch 11.23 were applied to all TFT Set Six champions.

Update Dec. 7 12:20pm CT: Abilities and stats were adjusted via balance changes within TFT Patch 11.24.

Update Jan. 4 2:50pm CT: All stats and abilities were updated based on the TFT Patch 12.1 notes.

Update Jan. 19 1:30pm CT: All stats and abilities were updated following the release of the TFT Patch 12.2 notes.

Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Danny has been writing for Dot Esports for over five years, first as a freelancer and now as a staff writer. He is the lead beat writer for Magic: The Gathering and Teamfight Tactics. Danny is also a solid Monopoly GO player, having beaten every main event without spending a dime. When Danny isn't writing or gaming, he's chilling by the water in Spacecoast Florida with his family and friends. He's always got a tan, because touching grass is important, and loves playing strategic digital and tabletop games. Past outlets Danny has written for include TheGamer and ScreenRant.