Here are the notes and updates for League of Legends Patch 10.23: 2021 preseason

Forget everything you know about League of Legends, the 2021 preseason is almost here.

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We’ve finally reached the end of the 2020 League of Legends season.

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The 2021 preseason is almost here, bringing monumental changes to the game. A complete overhaul of the item system, the introduction of 22 new Mythic items, and more will have a lasting effect on League moving forward. Patch 10.23 is one hell of an update.

Here’s the full list of champion, rune, and miscellaneous changes coming to League in Patch 10.23. The item changes, including all the new Mythic items, can be found here.

Preseason champion adjustments


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Passive – Headshot

  • Headshot damage from levels: 50/75/100 percent AD (levels 1/7/13) (unchanged)
  • Headshot damage from crit chance: (1.25 * (100 + Half your bonus critical damage percent) * critical chance) percent AD to (1.25 * (87.5 + Half your bonus critical damage percent) * critical chance) percent AD


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Passive – Whisper

  • Crit damage reduction: 25 percent (crits deal 150 percent AD) to 14 percent (crits still deal 150 percent AD)
  • Crit chance to AD conversion: 40 percent to 30 percent


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Passive – Absolution

  • Crit damage reduction: 35 percent (crits deal 130 percent AD) to 14 percent 9crits deal 150 percent AD)
  • Crit chance per 20 souls: 15 percent to 10 percent

R – Dawning Shadow

  • Pickup: Now collects Mists Wraths. Mist Wraths still only spawn near Senna


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Passive – Battle Fury

  • Crit chance per fury point: 0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5 percent (levels 1/6/11/16) to 0.4 percent


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Passive – Way of the Wanderer

  • [New] Overcapped: Critical strike chance above 100 percent is converted into 0.5 bonus AD per 1 percent additional critical strike chance. (Reminder: Way of the Wanderer doubles crit chance from other sources)


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Passive – Way of the Hunter

  • [New] Overcapped: Critical strike chance above 100 percent is converted into 0.5 bonus AD per 1 percent additional critical strike chance. (Reminder: Way of the Wanderer doubles crit chance from other sources)


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Q – First-Point Strike

  • Cost: 120/115/110/105/100 energy to 120/110/100/90/80 energy


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Passive – Voracity

  • [New] On-hit: Dagger slash applies on-hit effects

E – Shunpo

  • [New] On-hit: Applies on-hit effects

R – Death Lotus

  • Reminder: Kat throws 15 daggers per ult.
  • Magic damage: 25/37.5/50 (+19 pecent AP) (+22 percent bonus AD) per dagger to 25/37.5/50 (+19 percent AP) per dagger
  • [New] Physical damage: 15 percent (+9.9 percent attack speed) bonus AD per dagger
  • [New] On-hit Each dagger applies on-hit effects at 25 percentefficiency


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Passive – Divine Ascent

  • Bonus attack speed: 6 percent per Enrage stack to 6 percent (+2 percent AP) per Enrage stack


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Passive – Living Forge

  • Forgeable items: Curated List to All Mythic items
  • Masterwork upgrade value: Dependent on item to 1000 gold
  • Masterwork Limit: 2 for Ornn, 1 for allies to 1 for Ornn and allies (since Ornn is still subject to the 1 Mythic limit)
  • Stat Bonus: Ornn gains an additional 10 percent bonus armor and magic resistance to Ornn gains an additional 10 percent bonus health, armor, and magic resistance
  • [New] Calloused hands: Ornn gains an additional 4 percent bonus health, armor, and magic resistance for each Mythic item he upgrades into a Masterwork


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Mana growth: 25 to 45

Passive – Glorious Evolution

  • [Removed] Hex Core: Viktor no longer starts the game with an upgradable Hex Core.
  • [New] Harvest: Viktor harvests 1 Hex Fragments from minion and monster kills, 5 from large minion kills, and 25 from champion takedowns. He can spend 100 Hex Fragments to upgrade a basic ability. Once all three basic abilities have been upgraded, Chaos Storm is upgraded automatically.

E – Death Ray

  • Laser ratio: 60 percent to 70 percent
  • Aftershock ratio: 70 percent to 80 percent



  • Adaptive force per stack: 1.7 – 4.2 (levels 1 to 18), 20.4 to 50.4 at max stacks to 2 to 5 (levels 1 to18), 24 to 60 at max stacks
  • Healing at max stacks: 15 percent (8 percent for ranged champions) to 9 percent (6 percent for ranged champions)

Legend: Bloodline

  • Maximum legend stacks: 20 stacks (12 percent life steal) to 15 stacks (9 percent life steal)

Ravenous Hunter

  • Healing: Heal for 1.5 percent (+2.5 percent per Bounty Hunter stack) of the damage dealt by your abilities, on-hit effects and items to 1 percent Omnivamp (+2 percent per Bounter Hunter stack)

Presence of Mind

  • Effect: After a 1-second delay, champion takedowns restore 20 percent of your maximum mana or energy and increase maximum mana by 100 or maximum energy by 10, stacking up to 5 times (max +500 mana or +50 energy) to Damaging an enemy champion increases your mana regeneration by 1.5 to 11 (levels 1 to 18) (80 percent for ranged) mana per second for 4 seconds. Energy users gain 1.5 energy per second instead. Takedowns restore 15 percent of your maximum mana or energy


  • Effect: Gain 10 percent CDR when you reach level 10. Each percent of CDR exceeding the CDR limit is converted to an adaptive bonus to Gain bonuses upon reaching the following levels: Level 5: +5 ability haste; Level 8 :: +5 ability haste; Level 11 :: On champion takedown, reduce the remaining cooldown of basic abilities by 20 percent

Cosmic Insight

  • Cooldown reduction: No longer increases your CDR cap or grants CDR
  • Item haste: 5 percent active item CDR to 10 item haste (applies to all item cooldowns)
  • Summoner Spell haste: 5 percent summoner spell CDR to 15 summoner spell haste

Ingenious Hunter

  • Ingenuity: Reduce the cooldown of item actives by 15 percent (+5 percent per Bounty Hunter stack) to Gain 10 item haste (+5 per Bounty Hunter stack). Item haste affects ALL item cooldowns, not just actives

Ability Haste rune stat

  • Stat gain: +1 to 10 percent CDR (levels 1 to 18) to 8 ability haste

Time Warp

  • Pace yourself: No longer puts the consumable on a short cooldown. If consumables are stacked, the instant restoration is applied after the duration of the initial consumable ends

Champion mana adjustments

Between mana changes to items like Tear, Sheen, Lich Bane, and the lack of mana on most Mythic items, Riot is giving the following champions +20 increase to mana growth.

  • Amumu
  • Anivia
  • Camille
  • Cassiopeia
  • Cho’Gath
  • Corki
  • Darius
  • Ekko
  • Ezreal
  • Fiora
  • Fizz
  • Gangplank
  • Hecarim
  • Irelia
  • Jax
  • Kassadin
  • Malphite
  • Nasus
  • Ornn
  • Ryze
  • Skarner
  • Sylas
  • Twisted Fate
  • Udyr
  • Vi
  • Viktor
  • Volibear
  • Wukong
  • Xin Zhao
  • Yorick
  • Zilean

Other champion changes


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Passive – Blaze

  • Marked explosion damage: 10 to 14 percent (levels 1 to 9) to 10 to 14 percent (levels 1 to 17)


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Health growth: 84 to 80

Armor: 33 to 30


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Q – Venomous Bite

  • [New] On-hit: Now applies on-hit effects


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Base mana regen: 10 to 8

Passive – Stage Presence

  • Note ratio: 7.5 percent AP to 6/7/8/9 percent AP (levels 1/6/11/16)

Q – High Note

  • Damage: 55/65/75/85/95 (+55 percent AP) to 55/70/85/100/115 (+40/45/50/55/60 percent AP)

E – Beat Drop

  • Base damage: 60/85/110/135/160 to 60/80/100/120/140
  • Damage to minions: 60/70/80/90/100 percent to 100 percent


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Passive – Deadly Venom

  • [New] Damage ratio: 3 percent AP damage per second, per stack (max 108 percent AP for 6 s tacks over 6 seconds)

W – Venom Cask

  • [New] Slow ratio: 6 percent AP

E – Contaminate

  • AP scaling damage: 33.3 percent A[ physical damage per Deadly Poison stack (max 200 percent AP for 6 stacks) to 33.3 percent AP magic damage per Deadly Poison stack (max 200 percent AP for 6 stacks)


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Passive – The Relentless Storm

  • Attack speed per stack: 5 percent to 5 percent (+4 percent AP)

E – Sky Splitter

  • Damage to minions: 150/25/350/450/550 to 150/300/450/600/750

Incoming heal indicator

Riot originally billed this as a quality of life change but has seen a bunch of questions. For abilities and effects with delayed healing, it can be hard to know mid-fight how much health you (or your opponent) will get, leading to situations where you back out from a fight you could’ve won or stay in a fight you’re about to lose. This change makes that decision clearer by indicating the amount of incoming heals on champion health bars. The devs are adjusting the visualization of this effect based on feedback so far (like toning down the brightness of the incoming health to make it easier to distinguish from current health).

  • In 10.23, Riot has added the indicator for Evelynn’s Passive – Demon Shade, Karma’s W – Renewal, and Soraka’s Q – Starcall heal over time both on herself and when transferred to an ally via W – Astral Infusion. And as a recap, we added the following in 10.22: Seraphine’s W – Surround Sound Vladimir’s R – Hemoplague, Redemption, and ARAM health packs

ARAM balance changes

Game pacing and gold income

  • Nearyby minion death gold: 5 gold to 6 gold
  • Ambient gold: Increased by 10 percent
  • Kill gold: Increased by 10 percent
  • Alternating cannon waves: Cannon minions will spawn on both sides every other wave, starting at wave 3, instead of alternating

Guardian items

  • Classification: Guardian items now count as Legendary items
  • Guardian items sellback gold: 40 percent of the original price to 70 percent of the original price
  • Guardian’s Horn damage: 12 to 15
  • Guardian’s Hammer sttack power 20 to 25
  • Guardian’s Orb ability power: 35 to 40
  • [New] Guardian’s Orb effect: Now grants 15 health per 5 seconds to manaless champions
  • [New] Guardian’s Blade: 150 health, 30 attack damage, 15 ability haste

Invisibility detection

  • Oracle’s Elixir: Removed from the Item Shop
  • Minion detection: Cannon minions and super minions now each have one charge of a modified Umbral Glaive’s Blackout passive: 900 range and 4 seconds of visibility once detected

10.23 nerfs

  • Seraphine: Normal to -5 percent damage dealt, +5 percent damage taken, and -5 percent healing

End of season

  • OCE – Nov. 9, 2020 at 11:59pm AEDT
  • JP – Nov. 9, 2020 at 11:59pm JST
  • KR – Nov. 9, 2020 at 11:59pm KST
  • RU – Nov. 9, 2020 at 11:59pm MSK
  • TR – Nov. 9, 2020 at 11:59pm GMT+3
  • EUNE – Nov. 9, 2020 at 11:59pm CET
  • EUW – Nov. 9, 2020 at 11:59pm GMT
  • BR – Nov. 9, 2020 at 11:59pm GMT-3
  • LAN – Nov. 9, 2020 at 11:59pm CST
  • LAS – Nov. 9, 2020 at 11:59pm GMT-3
  • NA – Nov. 10, 2020 at 1:59am PST
  • PH – Nov. 10, 2020 at 1:59am PST
  • SG – Nov. 10, 2020 at 11:59pm GMT+8
  • TW – Nov. 10, 2020 at 11:59pm GMT+8
  • TH – Nov. 10, 2020 at 11:59pm GMT+7
  • VN – Nov. 10, 2020 at 11:59pm GMT+7
  • CN – Nov. 11, 2020 at 11:59pm GMT+8

If you achieved Gold or higher in Summoner’s Rift Ranked Solo/Duo, Flex, or both, you’ll receive Victorious Lucian (as well as Lucian himself if you don’t own him yet). New to 2020, you’ll also receive a Victorious chroma for each rank you hit above Gold. As a cherry on top, everyone who finished Ranked placements will receive an Eternals Lucian Series 1 Permanent, a Ranked profile icon, and a Ranked profile banner trim.

Based on your Honor level, you’ll also receive the following rewards:

Honor 3 Capsule

  • Random Ward Skin
  • Three Key Shards

Honor 4 Capsule

  • Random Ward Skin
  • Random Emote Permanent
  • Three Key Shards

Honor 5 Capsule

  • Random Ward Skin
  • Random Emote Permanent
  • Six Key Shards

As for Clash’s End of Season, everyone who participated in any Clash tournament will receive a Clash Contender Icon. In addition, you’ll receive an icon, logo, and banner based on how many Victory Points you earned over the course of the season.

All ranked rewards will be distributed by Dec. 10. in all regions except China.

League client updates

Memory leaks should now be fixed in the following areas of the client, providing improved reliability:

  • When a player views their profile, or other profiles
  • When a player open the personalized offers tab
  • When a player visits the TFT party lobby
  • When a player visits match history
  • When a player visits the clubs tab
  • When a player views a hovercard
  • When a player visits the TFT hub
  • When a player navigates among main tabs
  • When a player enters a chat room
  • Opening a champion skin chroma
  • Every time the social panel is shown (client start up, and after each game)
  • When a player opens runes editor (in Champ Select + Collections)
  • In Champ Select (fixing a chat service observer leak)
  • In Champ Select (premade voice observer leak)
  • The rune page should now load faster, along with overall rendering improvements
  • End-of-game screen should no longer freeze when getting back into the client
  • Summoner spell and ward skin selections have been reimplemented to reduce memory leaks

Bug fixes and quality of life changes

  • Kled now properly counts Skaarl’s health as bonus health
  • Vladimir’s R – Hemoplague incoming Health-gain indicator now properly appears even when non-champion targets are affected
  • Annie’s E – Molten Shield is no longer castable on allies outside of its intended range
  • Sona’s E – Song of Celerity’s tooltip now properly states her allies will get 10% bonus move speed
  • Casting Sion’s E – Roar of the Slayer right before being hit by certain crowd control effects no longer allows the player to regain control over him for a split second
  • Kindred’s Passive – Mark of the Kindred’s tooltip no longer shows zeroes in place of real values
  • Fixed Lillia’s R – Lilting Lullaby’s overhead indicator VFX on enemie
  • Samira’s Passive – Daredevil Impulse no longer knocks up spell-shielded or untargetable enemies

Upcoming skins and chromas


  • Victorious Lucian
  • Battlecast Nasus
  • Battlecast Zac
  • Resistance Jayce
  • Resistance Singed
  • Resistance Yorick


  • Victorious Lucian
  • Battlecast Nasus
  • Battlecast Zac
  • Resistance Jayce
  • Resistance Singed
  • Resistance Yorick

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Image of Jerome Heath
Jerome Heath
Senior editor at Dot Esports. Jerome has been in and around the gaming industry for the last eight years, and he's not going anywhere anytime soon.