EnVyUs Roster Changes

Coming into this lineup, everyone thought it was a French CS:GO dream, and it was. I could see a few problems with it, which we will get into later, but their amazing burst into tournament success took that off of every doubter's mind.

Coming into this lineup, everyone thought it was a French CS:GO dream, and it was. I could see a few problems with it, which we will get into later, but their amazing burst into tournament success took that off of every doubter’s mind. Now, NV has been having some trouble: issues with dedication, roles, and choking.

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First off, NBK. He made a bit of a scene this weekend (A GOOD THING, mind you), and him probably demanding some change was the cause of today’s news post. NBK will do whatever you want. He will play hours and hours a day to make sure you succeed. All that he asks for in return is a little bit of the same and some success; he is getting neither of those. There was that video this weekend of him saying that he is the one who inspires CS:GO players to do better, that everything you see out of EnVyUs is his own doing. He is right to think that because it has been unveiled by Zeus, a neutral source, that Happy and Kio play hardly ever. NBK is right in saying this way because these players are creating a lie of them being the most dedicated and hardworking CS:GO pros there are. They kicked shox out partially because he wasn’t “practicing enough.” All that matters is what you bring to the game, and Kio and Happy haven’t been bringing in that much. Anyways, NBK is in the right here, and despite seeming to be the source of drama, he should be kept for his hard work ethic and pivotal role in every French CS:GO team’s success.

Also from Zeus, we now know that Kenny is a choker… still. He choked in VeryGames and choked big time at Cologne. NBK has seemed to show a willingness to work with people like KennyS, who put a lot of work in before the tournament but seem to fall short in the biggest of games.

What does this mean for the roster? Well, Apex and Kenny are probably going to stick together. They both perform very well, and hopefully, KennyS can be taught to bend, not break, under pressure under the guidence of NBK. As for Happy, I am very unsure. NBK said not much more than a month ago that he loves Happy. He said that he is a genius and works hard outside of the game though we viewers see a very contrary thing. Perhaps, he has just gained sight of who Happy really is. Perhaps, this roster change is just the addition of a coach! Of course, NBK could just be kicked from the team; such irrational things like that have been done before on many teams. Honestly, I don’t know, but I think there might be more of a shock than someone with a memory spanning larger than the last weekend.
