Valkyrae on move to YouTube: “I can truly focus on making content that I’m proud of”

Life has come full-circle for Valkyrae.

Photo via United Talent Agency

Rachell “Valkyrae” Hofsetter has been a streamer for over five years. But on Jan. 13, she ditched her previous home, Twitch, to join YouTube through an exclusivity deal. Valkyrae is represented by United Talent Agency and UTA brokered the deal between her and YouTube.

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She first saw a rise in her viewership thanks to Epic Games’ Fortnite, which also helped her sign with 100 Thieves as a content creator. Now, Valkyrae can be seen playing a variety of games while enjoying chatting with her viewers.

Dot Esports talked with Valkyrae about her decision to move to YouTube, her plans for 2020, and more.

Congratulations on your exclusivity deal with YouTube. What were some of the main reasons for switching to YouTube? 

Valkyrae: Thank you. There are quite a few reasons for switching. Obviously financial stability for not only myself, but my family. I no longer have to worry about numbers. I can truly focus on making content that I’m proud of and that people would enjoy. I also now have the freedom to have time to make other types of content besides just focusing on gaming. I want to expand my brand and I feel that being on YouTube will allow me to do so. The YouTube team also is very attentive, supportive, and listens to my feedback. I’m excited to be working with them to improve the YouTube streaming website as a whole.

CouRage said that YouTube is the best platform to livestream, upload, and share content. Do you share the same opinion?

Absolutely. YouTube is focusing on making many positive changes to its livestreaming platform and making it one of their top priorities. It will just get better and better and I can’t be more excited to be part of it.

2019 was a monumental year for your streaming career as you moved into the 100 Thieves Cash App content house with Nadeshot and CouRage. How did this experience shape you as a streamer? Did they have any good tips for you?

I have learned so much from my roommates. They are both incredibly successful and experienced in the gaming and social media world. They always have an answer to my questions, supportive toward my decisions, and are just incredible humans in general.

In CouRage’s YouTube announcement video, you drop a slight hint that “If Jack is leaving then I am leaving.” Was this meant to be a subtle hint or simply a coincidence? 

It’s funny because that scene wasn’t scripted at all. I was just rambling and said the line not even realizing it could be taken literally. I just said it as in me leaving 100 Thieves if Jack were to leave. After discussing it, we decided to keep it in as a little Easter egg for those that notice or question it.

Thanks to your dedication to streaming, you were able to purchase a house for your mother and provide for your family, which was displayed in your YouTube announcement video. Do you have any other plans to give back to your family or community in 2020?

Absolutely. My family has always been the main priority for me. Currently we are working on rebuilding my mom’s home in the Philippines so she can relocate there eventually. She lost her job about three years ago and I have been fully financially responsible for her since then and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s pretty cool how she got me into gaming when I was a child and now I feel like it’s gone full circle.

Are there any games you’re looking forward to in 2020 or are you prepared to grind more Fortnite and League of Legends?

I will always love many different types of games. You name it, I’ve probably played it. One game that I’m so excited for is The Last of Us Part 2. In between new releases, I’ll always be grinding those “games that never end” like Fortnite, but I have to admit, League of Legends has been pretty addicting and fun recently.
