Rejoining Ranked and sound propagation highlighted in new R6 issues and concerns

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Ubisoft has updated its Top Issues and Community Concerns page and it looks like some big changes will be coming to Rainbow Six Siege in Year Five.

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The Top Issues and Community Concerns page has been a great communicator on Ubisoft’s behalf. Previous iterations of the page have outlined timelines for huge fixes like Smoke’s Toxic Babe propagation and ongoing sound propagation issues. Looking at the updated page, its evident that Ubisoft has been hard at work trying to keep Siege up to snuff. The list has shrunk a considerable amount in the past season or so. 

Ubisoft is looking to fix an issue that prevents players from rejoining Ranked matches. Failure to rejoin a Ranked match is punishable by a temporary ban. Many players have difficulty reconnecting to a match if their connection drops or if they simply decide to rage quit, which is never advised. The issue appears to have coincided with the DDoS fix that was rolled out during Operation Ember Rise. Ubisoft will be aiming for a Year Five fix for the issue, according to the official page. It sounds like this fix may take a bit of time given that there are inherent security risks if the reconnection issue is linked to the DDoS patch. 

Sound propagation is also a top issue in Rainbow Six. The issues with sound in Siege are of particular interest since the game heavily relies on sound. Players use even the faintest sounds to keep track of their enemies, so having issues with sound propagation can cause some serious player frustration. Not being able to trust your own ears is extremely frustrating, so seeing this as a top issue should reassure players that sound propagation is still on the docket for a Year Five fix. 

Rounding out the update is the operator balancing section. Jackal recently went through a rework in an effort to get him out of his insta-ban status. While it’s too soon to tell if that rework actually served its purpose, it’s encouraging to see Ubisoft address several other high-ban rate operators. Blitz, Echo, and Cav are all on Ubisoft’s radar for reworks or rebalancing. These reworks and balancing changes are no small task, so there isn’t a real fix window for these changes. Ubisoft is merely in the discussion phase, according to the post, so fans shouldn’t hold their breath on these fixes.

It’s been some time since the Top Issues and Community Concerns page was updated. Again, Ubisoft updating this page is encouragingly transparent. Not having to slog through Reddit to compile information on all of the different issues the developer is working on makes it a lot easier for fans to keep tabs on where the team is at with the game. It may be some time before another update hits but at least fans have some loose dates to keep track of in Year Five.

Image of Colton Deck
Colton Deck
Los Angeles based writer and nerd.