Dream’s flank gives Order a chance

This play almost single-handedly turned the game.

Image via Riot Games
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Positioning is key to winning or losing a fight in League of Legends. One pixel too close or too far from the enemy can be disastrous, and a role that feels that more than most is the AD carry. The ranged position is reliant on being able to safely do damage because of the fragile health pool and limited escapes that these characters have. For Order’s Ronan “Dream” Swingler, however, sometimes it’s more important to make a play.

Order were down nearly 5,000 gold and faced the threat of losing yet another tower, putting them in a must-win situation for the next fight. Even a close trade would be disastrous for them, and Dream knew it. With the enemy Azir on a flank to initiate the fight and the game on the line, Dream, playing Vayne, popped his ultimate and went to work.

Dream wasn’t alone, though. After his clutch double kill, his Braum shielded him, preventing him from dying and also setting up a huge Glacial Fissure. Dream’s play turned the attention of the frontliners, letting James “Tally” Shute clean up with a triple kill. This was much needed for Order, who were merely crumbling in front of Dire Wolves before this.

Although Order ultimately lost the game, they gave themselves a fighting chance—and it started with the beautiful decision-making from Dream’s Vayne. These kinds of plays are what many fans believe can pull the team from the bottom of the standings to the top. With five more weeks left in the season, Order have been steadily improving, breaking their five-game losing streak and even sporting a short winning spree before this match.

Keep an eye out for more explosive plays from Order because they might be a playoff team within a few matches.
