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It’s been a long time since League of Legends‘ Taric got a new cosmetic. In fact, the last time Taric got a skin was in 2016 when Riot Games added him to the Pool Party skin line. Now, with the rise of Dark Star and Cosmic skins, one talented artist has envisioned how the Shield of Valoran would look as a traveler of the cosmos.
Cosmic Taric imagines the champion as a possible overseer of the universe, alongside Ashe, Lulu, Master Yi, Xin Zhao, Xayah, and Rakan. Artist Philip Karlov has tinged Taric’s skin with a bluish hue and has him wearing elegant white clothing with a gold fringe.
Taric’s eyes are also glowing yellow-red, his hair is white, and instead of gems floating over his shoulders, there are constellations. The skin fits nicely in the Cosmic line in terms of looks and theme, and it matches his look compared to his other real skins.
Recently, Riot added three new Dark Star skins to the game—Dark Star Jhin, Karma, and Shaco. They all look amazing, with new animations and special effects on each ability. Dark Star Jhin is a legendary skin featuring new voice lines and will cost 1,820 RP.
Unfortunately for Taric enthusiasts, this skin won’t be available for purchase any time soon. You’ll probably have to wait a bit longer for Riot to release a new cosmetic for League of Legends‘ most fabulous champion.