Hanwha Life sweep KT Rolster to go 1-1 in the opening week of the 2019 LCK Summer Split

Pray’s team struggled against the young squad of Hanwha Life.

Photo via Riot Games
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Hanwha Life have won their first game of the 2019 LCK Summer Split after taking down KT Rolster 2-0 today.

While KT had the favorable draft in game one with an Ezreal and Yuumi bot lane for Kim “Pray” Jong-in and No “SnowFlower” Hoi-jong, Kim “Lava” Tae-hoon’s LeBlanc mid turned the game upside down. After securing first blood onto Gwak “Bdd” Bo-seong’s Akali, he was able to create pressure in other lanes and snowball the lead.

By 28 minutes, Hanwha Life had a 9,000 gold lead, a Baron, and two inhibitors to their name. They just walked into KT’s base to finish the job. One final teamfight saw KT Rolster get split up, with Hwang “Kingen” Seong-hoon diving three players on Hanwha Life while the other four defended the base. Hanwha Life regrouped and aced KT.

Game two started off a lot better for KT Rolste, as Eom “UmTi” Seong-hyeon’s Skarner caught out Kim “bonO” Gi-beom’s Jarvan IV. With the advantage, UmTi managed to get two kills onto Lava’s Fizz in the mid lane, as well as securing Rift Herald and first tower.

The mid game was dominated by Hanwha Life, though. Winning a few crucial mid-game teamfights allowed the underdogs to take back map control and secure the first Baron of the game. But as both teams decided to ARAM it out, KT found themselves slowly coming back into the game.

Picking off Lava allowed KT access to a second Baron before they cleaned up three more players on Hanwha Life. Kim “SoHwan” Jun-yeong tried to backdoor KT’s Nexus but was only able to take down one tower.

Over the course of the next 15 minutes, the game came down to two key fights around Elder Dragons. KT Rolster claimed the first one as they turned an 8,000 gold deficit into a 1,000 gold lead, but they weren’t able to break open Hanwha Life’s base.

Hanwha Life didn’t make the same mistake twice, securing dragon control, the buff, and taking down KT just a couple of minutes later to finish the 50-minute slugfest—the longest game in the LCK so far this season.

There are now question marks surrounding KT’s performance. They only beat Jin Air and lost to a team that most people consider to be middle-of-the-table at best. But for Hanwha Life, the signs look more positive as they try to cement a playoff spot in the 2019 LCK Summer Split.

KT Rolster will face rising stars Damwon Gaming on June 14, while Hanwha Life will play Afreeca Freecs for the opening match of week two on June 12.

Image of Andrew Amos
Andrew Amos
Affectionately known as Ducky. A massive Australian esports fan, supporting the southern cross all over the world. Ex-amateur League of Legends player, as well as a three-time Unigames player.