All TFT Set 12 new Augments – Cheat sheet of tiers and effects

Now is the time to start memorizing.

TFT Neeko Set 12 Skin
Image via Riot Games

Riot Games has spiced up Teamfight Tactics Augments with over 135 dropping into Magic n’ Mayhem. From Crests and Crowns and trait-specific to high-stakes and hero effects, here’s every new TFT Set 12 Augment.

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What’s new about TFT Set 12 Augments?

TFT Soraka Set 12 skin
Augments served on a platter. Image via Riot Games

Riot has evolved Econ traits into Augments for TFT Set 12, featuring five new High-Stakes Econ effects. Five Augments that weren’t in Set 11 are returning. Hero Augments for champions are back, including one designed for a three-cost carry. Most of the Magic n’ Mayhem Augments are Crests/Crowns or flexible Augments, in addition to 20 trait-specific effects.

Here’s a breakdown of the types of Augments in TFT Set 12. In total, 140 are dropping into PBE servers.

  • Five High-Stakes Augments
  • Five returning Augments that weren’t in Set 11
  • Eight Hero Augments
  • 20 trait-specific Augments
  • 42 Crests and Crowns
  • 59 Flexible Augments

All new TFT Set 12 Augments and effects are subject to change during PBE testing. I will update the full list before Magic n’ Mayhem goes live. All Augments and abilities are provided by Riot.

What are the High-Stakes Augments in Set 12?

All High-Stakes Augments in TFT Set 12 at the time of writing are either Gold or Prismatic tiered. Econ from the Augments range from Loot Orbs to Emblems and champions.

High-Stakes TFT AugmentAugment effect/abilility
An Upgraded Adventure (Prismatic)After upgrading four of your champions to three-star, gain four one-cost units and reward (Reroll Augment).
Fortune Favors the Bold (Gold)Whenever you win a player combat round, get a Loot Orb. Contents of the Loot Orb improve for each consecutive loss before the win. (Similar to Fortune trait cash outs).
Golden Quest (Prismatic)When you start a turn with at least 161.8 gold, gain a two-star five-cost champion equipped with items.
Trait Tracker (Gold)The first time you end a player combat round with seven different active traits, gain five random Emblems.

What are the Hero Augments in TFT Set 12?

All Hero Augments in Set 12 are in the Gold tier. A unique design the TFT team worked into the Hero Augments for Magic n’ Mayhem, based on player feedback, is that each has a slight downside to counter the powerful effects.

TFT Set 12 Hero AugmentHero Augment effect/ability
Deja Vu (Galio)Gain a Galio. Your strongest Galio gains three Range, 15 mana, and eight ability power per attack. Galio’s spell deals 150 percent damage but no longer stuns or reduces damage.
High Horsepower (Lillia)Gain a two-star Lillia. Your strongest Lillia gains 100 percent attack speed and 75 percent move speed. Her Ability deals 235 percent bonus damage but only hits one target.
Molten Caramel (Rumble)Gain a two-star Rumble. Your strongest Rumble’s ability deals 166 percent damage and costs 30 less mana but no longer reduces damage.
Spider Queen (Elise)Gain a two-star Elise. The strongest Elise no longer Stuns but poisons the target and two closest enemies to take 110 percent of the ability damage. Elise’s spell costs 20 less mana to cast.
Spin to Win (Wukong)Gain two Wukong units. The strongest Wukong has their spell ability scale with attack damage instead of resistance. Wukong gains 30 percent attack damage and attack speed after each cast.
Sweet Tooth (Nunu)Gain a Nunu. Your strongest Nunu gains 200 health and deals 3.5 percent bonus damage for every 100 maximum health. When Nunu kills an enemy with their spell, Nunu gains 45 permanent health and grows slightly larger.
Witchy Wallops (Poppu)Gain a two-star Poppy. Your strongest Poppy’s ability no longer shields Poppy but strikes three consecutive times at a target, dealing 80 percent of the original damage.
Zap Attack (Blitzcrank)Gain a two-star Blitzcrank. Your strongest Blitzcrank becomes supercharged, dealing magic damage to two nearby enemies every four seconds and on every ability cast.

What are the TFT trait Augments in Set 12?

All trait Augments in TFT Set 12 are in the Gold tier. Most trait Augments come with two champions.

TFT Set 12 trait AugmentTrait Augment effect
Aggressive PreservationPreserver units always gain health and mana while dealing 15 percent increased damage. Gain a Bard and Zilean.
Arcane ConduitThe chosen Arcana gains six percent health and 15 percent attack speed for each unique Arcana champion fielded.
Bee-st FriendsHoneymancer units gain plus-one starting Bee. When a Bee jumps to a new Honeymancer unit, the champion gains a 20 percent maximum health shield. Gain a Blitzcrank and Kog’Maw.
Caramelized ComfortsFor each component equipped on a Sugarmancer unit, Sugarmance champions gain 50 health and an eight percent chance to drop one gold on each kill. Gain a Soraka and Rumble.
CauterizePyromancer auto attacks deal plus-three magic damage for every two Cinders collected.
Defensive ArtsIncantor spell damage reduces enemy damage by 10 percent for two seconds. At maximum Incantor stacks, Incantor units gain 10 mana every two seconds. Gain a Ziggs and Syndra.
Draconic MasteryDragon champions deal 15 percent increased damage to burning enemies. Burning enemies deal 12 percent less damage to Dragon units. Gain a Shyvana and Nomsy.
Endless HuntHunter units gain eight percent attack damage for every takedown. Gain a Twitch and Kog’Maw.
Eternal GrowthShapeshifter units that start combat next to another Shapeshifter champion gain 30 permanent health. Gain an Elise and Jayce.
Fast ForwardAfter casting an ability, Chronmancer units gain 30 percent attack speed and 15 percent Omnivamp for three seconds. Gain a Jax and Zilean.
Frosty FrontlineThe Frost trait grants one peaceable Frost Statue equipped with Eternal Winter that gains health for each Frost trait tier. The first time the Statue would die, it instead regenerates over six seconds if an ally is alive. Gain a Warwick and Zilean.
Higher EducationEvery time your Scholar units spend 100 mana, all Scholar champions gain 10 percent stacking attack speed.
Portal Delivery ServiceGain a Galio and Zoe. At the start of each round, gain a random one to three-cost Portal champion.
Potions 201Witch curses last forever. Witch abilities also curse the nearest uncursed champion. If all enemy units are cursed, Witch units gain 20 percent attack damage and ability power. Gain a Poppy and Cassiopeia.
Practice PartnersWhenever a Mage unit casts a spell, that unit grants four mana to the nearest ally. Gain a Soraka and Galio.
Press the AttackAll Multistriker unit attacks apply a stack on their target for five seconds. Every third stack deals true damage equal to 5.5 percent of the target’s maximum health. Gain a Kassadin and Ashe.
Raid BossYour strongest Bastion unit gains 20 percent health. When other Basiton champions die, they transfer 20 percent of their armor and magic resistance to the stronger Bastion unit. Gain a Nunu and Poppy.
Royal GuardEvery three seconds, all Faerie units restore six percent maximum health and the Faerie Queen gains 1.5 percent attack damage and ability power per other surviving Faerie units. Gain a Lillia and Tristana.
School MascotThe Eldritch summon is equipped with beneficial items. The summoned unit gains an additional 10 percent health and 25 ability power. Gain an Elise and Syndra
Daisy: Spirit Visage
Malphite: Bloodthirster and Deathcap
Volibear: Bloodthirster and Deathcap
Big Volibear: Radiant Deathcap, Radiant Gauntlet, and Radiant Bloodthirster
Shields UpSheilds on Vanguard units are 20 percent stronger. When shielded, Vanguard champions are immune to crowd control for six seconds. Gain a Rumble and Blitzcrank.

What are the TFT Crest Augments in Set 12?

All Crest Augments in TFT Set 12 are in the Gold tier. A Crest grants you an Emblem for that trait and a champion.

TFT Set 12 Crest AugmentCrest Augment effect/ability
Arcana CrestGain an Arcana Emblem and an Ahri
Bastion CrestGain a Bastion Emblem and a Nunu
Blaster CrestGain a Blaster Emblem and a Tristana
Chrono CrestGain a Chrono Emblem and a Zilean.
Eldritch CrestGain an Eldrich Emblem and a Nilah
Faerie CrestGain a Faerie Emblem and a Tristana
Frost CrestGain a Frost Emblem and a Zilean
Honeymancer CrestGain a Honeymancy Emblem and a Nunu
Hunter CrestGain a Hunter Emblem and a Kog’Maw
Incantor CrestGain an Incantor Emblem and a Syndra
Mage CrestGain a Mage Emblem and a Galio
Multistriker CrestGain a Multistriker Emblem and a Kassadin
Portal CrestGain a Portal Emblem and a Kassadin
Preserver CrestGain a Preserver Emblem and a Zilean
Pyro CrestGain a Pyro Emblem and an Akali
Scholar CrestGain a Scholar Emblem and an Ahri
Shapeshifter CrestGain a Shapeshifter Emblem and a Shyvana
Sugarmancy CrestGain a Sugarmancy Emblem and a Rumble
Vanguard CrestGain a Vanguard Emblem and a Rumble
Warrior CrestGain a Warrior Emblem and an Akali
Witch CrestGain a Witch Emblem and a Cassiopeia

What are the TFT Crown Augments in Set 12?

All Crown Augments are in the Prismatic tier. A Crown Augment grants you an Emblem for that trait, a completed item, and a champion.

TFT Set 12 Crown AugmentCrown Augment effect/ability
Arcana CrownGain an Arcana Emblem, an Adaptive Helm, and an Ahri.
Bastion CrownGain a Bastion Emblem, a Steadfast Heart, and a Nunu.
Blaster CrownGain a Blaster Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Tristana.
Chrono CrownGain a Chrono Emblem, an Archangel’s Staff, and a Zilean.
Eldritch CrownGain an Eldrich Emblem, a Bloodthirster, and a Nilah.
Faerie CrownGain a Faerie Emblem, a Giant Slayer, and a Tristana.
Frost CrownGain a Frost Emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Swain.
Honeymancer CrownGain a Honeymancy Emblem, a Gargoyle Stoneplate, and a Nunu.
Hunter CrownGain a Hunter Emblem, a Runaan’s Hurricane, and a Kog’Maw.
Incantor CrownGain an Incantor Emblem, a Jeweled Gauntlet, and a Syndra.
Mage CrownGain a Mage Emblem, an Ionic Spark, and a Galio.
Multisriker CrownGain a Multistriker Emblem, a Quicksilver, and a Kassadin.
Portal CrownGain a Portal Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Kassadin.
Preserver CrownGain a Preserver Emblem, a Nashor’s Tooth, and a Bard.
Pyro CrownGain a Pyro Emblem, an Infinity Edge, and an Akali.
Shapeshifter CrownGain a Shapeshifter Emblem, a Redemption, and a Shyvana.
Sugarmancy CrownGain a Sugarmancy Emblem, a Redemption, and a Rumble.
Vanguard CrownGain a Vanguard Emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Rumble.
Warrior CrownGain a Warrior Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and an Akali.
Witch CrownGain a Witch Emblem, a Hextech Gunblade, and a Cassiopeia.

What are the TFT flex Augments in Set 12?

Flexible Augments in TFT are designed to fit a variety of builds. Flex Augments are in Silver, Gold, and Prismatic tiers. All Augments are listed in alphabetical order.

TFT Set 12 AugmentTierAugment effect/ability
All That ShimmersGoldOpen an armory of gold generating Artifact items. Gain a Magnetic Remover. Your maximum interest is increased to seven.
All That Shimmers+PrismaticOpen an armory of gold generating Artifact items. Gain four gold and a Magnetic Remover. Your max interest is increased to seven.
Anger IssuesPrismaticAll your current and future completed items transform into Guinsoo’s Rageblades that grant 35 Armor and Magic Resistance. Each stack also grants one percent attack damage and ability power.
Assassin’s ToolboxPrismaticGain a Collector. In three rounds, gain a Prowlers Claw
Avenge the FallenGoldAfter three allies die, your team gains 15 attack damage, ability power, armor, and magic resistance.
Beggars can be ChoosersSilverYou have two extra Augment Rerolls for all other Augment choices. Gain X gold.
Blossoming Lotus OneGoldYour team’s Abilities can Critically Strike. Every three seconds, your team gains four percent Critical Strike chance.
Blossoming Lotus TwoPrismaticYour team’s Abilities can Critically Strike. Every three seconds, your team gains eight percent Critical Strike chance.
Called ShotSilverSet your win-streak to plus-five. Gain a random component. Only appears at Stage 2-1.
Category FiveGoldGain a Runaan’s Hurricane. Your Runaan’s Hurricanes fire one additional bolt with each bolt dealing 95 percent of the original damage.
Clockwork AcceleratorGoldYour team gains six percent attack speed every four seconds.
Combat Bandages OneSilverThe first time each allied unit falls below 50 percent health, restore 175-400 health over two seconds.
Combat Bandages TwoGoldThe first time each allied unit falls below 50 percent health, restore 300-600 health over two seconds.
Dark Alley DealingsPrismaticGain a Suspicious Trenchcoat. In three rounds, gain an Unstable Treasure Chest.
Dual PurposePrismaticThe first time you buy experience each round, gain two gold.
Whenever you buy experience, refresh your shop.
Duo QueueGoldGain two random five-cost champions and two copies of a random component.
Explosive GrowthGoldGain eight experience a round for the next four rounds.
Explosive Growth+GoldGain 10 experience a round for the next four rounds.
Final ResistanceSilverWhenever an ally dies, 30 percent Shred and Sunder the nearest four enemies for six seconds.
FlexiblePrismaticGain one random emblem. At the start of every Stage, gain a random
emblem. For each emblem equipped, your team gains 40 health.
Giant and MightyPrismaticYour team gets larger, gaining 350 health and plus-five percent maximum health.
Hard CommitPrismaticGain a random Emblem. Now and after each Carousel round, gain a
one-star unit of that trait with a cost equal to the Stage plus one (maximum five).
Head StartSilverGain three two-star one-cost units. Disable your shop for the next three rounds.
High VoltageGoldGain an Ionic Spark. Your Sparks range is increased by one Hex, and
they deal 50 percent more damage.
I’m the Carry NowPrismaticGet a Sentinel with tailored offensive items that upgrade as the game
Immovable ObjectPrismaticGain a Randuins Omen. Its range is increased by one Hex and its effect
is increased by 50 percent.
InvestedPrismaticGain 16 gold. At the start of every round, gain one Reroll for every 10
gold above 50 gold (maximum 100 gold).
Invested+PrismaticGain 26 gold. At the start of every round, gain one Reroll for every 10
gold above 50 gold (maximum 100 gold).
Invested++PrismaticGain 36 gold. At the start of every round, gain one Reroll for every 10
gold above 50 gold (maximum 100 gold).
Item Collector OneSilverYour units gain 20 health. Your team gains 10 health and one attack damage/ability power for each craftable, non-duplicate item equipped (up to 10).
Item Collector TwoGoldYour units gain 40 health. Your team gains 15 health and two attack damage/ability power for each craftable, non-duplicate item equipped (up to 10).
Item LadderSilverPlanning phase start: gain a random item that lasts for one round. Item
quality increases based on stage level.
Mentorship OneSilverIf an ally starts combat next to a higher-cost ally, they gain 12 percent attack speed and 150 health.
Mentorship TwoGoldIf an ally starts combat next to a higher-cost ally, they gain 18 percent attack speed and 220 health.
On the HouseSilverWhenever you star up a unit gain one gold.
Patience is a VirtueSilverIf you didn’t purchase a champion last turn, gain one free Reroll. Repeats
each round.
Pilfer GoldGain five gold. At the start of each round. gain a one-star copy of the first unit you killed last round.
PlaceboSilverYour team gains one percent attack speed. Gain 10 gold.
Placebo+SilverYour team gains one percent attack speed. Gain 15 gold.
Precise PlanningSilverIf you win or lose combat by three or less units, gain two gold at the start of
the next round.
ReplicationGoldChoose one of threecomponents. For the next two rounds, gain another copy of that component.
Restart MissionSilverDelete all champions on your board and bench. Gain two random two-star three-costs, two two-star two-costs, and a two-star one-cost champion.
Row Rejuvenation OneSilverGain eight percent Omnivamp, increased by one percent for each champion that starts combat in the same row.
Row Rejuvenation TwoGoldGain 12 percent Omnivamp, increased by 1.5 percent for each champion that starts combat in the same row.
Shimmerscale EssencePrismaticGain a Diamond hands. In five rounds, gain a Gamblers Blade.
SpellbladesGoldWhenever one of your units casts, their next auto attack deals bonus
damage equal to 100 percent of their total ability power.
Spellcasters ToolboxPrismaticGain a Lich Bane. In three rounds, gain a Manazane.
Subscription ServicePrismaticNow and at the start of every stage, open a shop of four four-costs and
gain two gold.
Support Golem OneGoldGain a Golem equipped with a random Support Item.
Support Golem TwoGoldGain a Golem equipped with two random Support Items.
Thorn-Plated ArmorGoldGain a Bramble Vest. Champions holding a Bramble Vest gain 100 percent
of their bonus armor as attack damage.
TransfigurationGoldGain a random component. For every three Charms purchased this
game, gain another component (maximum four).
Two TankyGoldWhen you field exactly two copies of a champion, they both gain 550
health. When one of the units dies, the other unit gains a 40 percent maximum
health shield for six seconds. When you three-star, gain a two-star copy.
Unleash the BeastGoldGain a Sterak’s Gage. When its effect triggers, the unit gains 30 percent
attack speed and immunity to crowd control for 10 seconds.
Upward MobiltyPrismaticBuying experience costs one less. When you level, gain one health and one
free Reroll.
Vertically InclinedGoldYour team deals 10 percent more damage. Deal 16 percent more damage if you
have less active traits than your enemy.
Worth the WaitGoldGain a random one-cost unit. After four rounds, gain a copy of that unit at
the beginning of each round for the rest of the game.
Worth the Wait TwoPrismaticGain a random two-cost unit. After four rounds, gain a copy of that unit at
the beginning of each round for the next eight rounds.

What are the 5 TFT returning Augments in Set 12?

Returning TFT Augments in Set 12 lean into Econ through AFK and all three Spoilers of War.

Returning TFT AugmentTierAugment effect/ability
AFKSilverYou cannon perform actions for the next three rounds. Afterwards, gain 18 gold
Spoilers of War OneSilverEnemies have a 25 percent chance to drop loot when killed.
Spoilers of War TwoGoldEnemies have a 30 percent chance to drop loot when killed.
Spoilers of War ThreePrismaticEnemies have a 40 percent chance to drop loot when killed.
What the ForgePrismaticCompleted items you own (except Tactician’s Crown and Emblems) are transformed into random Artifacts. Champions gain 110 health per equipped Artifact.
Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Danny has been writing for Dot Esports for over five years, first as a freelancer and now as a staff writer. He is the lead beat writer for Magic: The Gathering and Teamfight Tactics. Danny is also a solid Monopoly GO player, having beaten every main event without spending a dime. When Danny isn't writing or gaming, he's chilling by the water in Spacecoast Florida with his family and friends. He's always got a tan, because touching grass is important, and loves playing strategic digital and tabletop games. Past outlets Danny has written for include TheGamer and ScreenRant.