‘She’s broken:’ Worried LCS pros fear new LoL champ Aurora is annoyingly overpowered

July can't come fast enough.

lcs pros and lexical during aurora playtest league
Screenshot by Dot Esports via LCS (YouTube)

League of Legends Championship Series professionals have been given an early opportunity to test the next League champion, Aurora, and they’ve already quickly dubbed her slippery, annoying, overpowered, and just simply busted.

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Aurora doesn’t hit live servers until Patch 14.14, but a few lucky LCS pros were able to test her kit under the watchful eyes of the League champions product lead, Lexi “Lexical” Gao, and give their honest feedback in a video posted by the LCS on YouTube on June 25. It’s safe to say Bwipo, Jojopyun, Licorice, Isles, Vulcan, Meteos, Sniper, and even Impact agree she’s very fun—and is going to be “broken” on release.

lcs pros using aurora's R
Aurora’s ultimate is deadly. Screenshot by Dot Esports

As the League pros put Aurora through her paces, Vulcan and Busio pointed out Aurora’s kit and speed resemble Lillia’s, focusing heavily on AP scaling and trading. There’s added value too, with her ultimate a clear gamechanger like like Mordekaiser’s. Unlike Mordekaiser’s ultimate, however, Aurora’s ultimate remains on the Rift and can drag everyone into it (unlike Morderkaiser’s single target ability), making it very useful in teamfights.

After a few plays, Contractz also compared her ultimate to a “cage match,” but with an added twist—Aurora can teleport inside her ultimate, which makes for a unique experience if you’re the one piloting her. The only catch, he added: It’s challenging to master.

Because of this and Aurora’s other unique new abilities, which grant her movement speed, invisibility, max and missing health damage, Bwipo was the next to declare she’s “too slippery” and would be terrifying in the hands of someone who can pilot her proficiently—especially because there’s so much utility to use.

Finally, Meteos described her as an “AP Ezreal… a little Ezreal-Vayne Hybrid,” and Impact also agreed, dubbing her an “AP kiting champion.” The LCS pros found that with her kit, kiting in and out is the best way to deal damage safely and whittle away at their enemy’s health bars. With her bunny hop, she can easily do this and make her escape.

Like all new League champions, Aurora will likely be banned in almost every match when she eventually hits the Rift in July. While this will make learning her abilities—and the many elements in it that led to the top LCS stars declaring her “overpowered”—may be a little tricky in the early patches where she’s live.

Aurora is expected to hit live League servers on Wednesday, July 17.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews is a staff writer for Dot Esports with a dual degree in business and human resource management. After discovering her passion for creative writing and gaming, she now writes about MOBAs, MMOs, and cozy games.