Best Jeremy loadout in Unicorn Overlord

The Poison Mercenary Leader is surprisingly effective on the frontlines.

The Jeremy promotion screen in Unicorn Overlord.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Three Poison Mercenary Sellsword Jeremy joins the party after the siege of the Walled City of Adopti, where he serves as the boss. This thug can serve a great role in Unicorn Overlord, provided you have the right Jeremy Loadout. Let’s talk about our favorite version.

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Best units to pair with Jeremy in Unicorn Overlord

The stats for the Wereowl Ramona in Unicorn Overlord.
For our build, the Wereowl Ramona is perfect. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Jeremy is a Sellsword, soon to become a Landsknecht, and thus does absurd Physickal damage in Unicorn Overlord. But that’s basically all he does—even after he promotes, he’ll still suffer heavy losses against magic users and take a long time to pound through armor. Thankfully, with his promotion, he’ll have a much better time against other Physickal attackers, so we don’t have to worry as much about his durability.

  • High Lord: Alain fits Jeremy’s gameplan quite perfectly. With a guard that triggers on magical attacks, good durability, and fine damage, Alain can keep Jeremy alive while supporting him on the frontlines.
  • Wereowl, Cleric/Bishop: Jeremy requires quite a bit of help if he wants to survive multiple encounters. Pair him with a dedicated healer like Tatiana if you’re looking for longevity from his squad, or a Wereowl like Ramona if you want him to regenerate PP—which we recommend.
  • Sorcerer, Elven Archer: Giving Jeremy a way to deal some magic damage helps him punch through armor much easier. Sorcerers like Yahna and Eleven Augurs like Ridiel do just that.
  • Feathershield: A backrow anti-mage like Ochlys works quite well for someone as weak to magic as Jeremy. She also makes a good leader, if you need to traverse annoying terrain.
  • Shieldshooter: An offensive support character, Shieldshooters give you healing and ranged potential. Our suggested team is fully reliant on a Sorcerer to take out Gryphon Knights or Wyvern Masters, so a Shieldshooter can be handy instead.

We usually put Jeremy on the frontlines, where his Physickal defense and Guard rate can be flexed. However, it is very important that some allies help him protect the backline, since he can’t do it himself. We recommend Jeremy be on a team with Cavalry or Flying as his leader. The extra mobility is to ensure he reaches the frontlines early and often.

Best equipment for Jeremy in Unicorn Overlord

The stat screen for Jeremy in Unicorn Overlord.
These stats demand the biggest sword you have. Screenshot by Dot Esports

As a Sellsword, Jeremy comes with a Sword slot and two Accessory slots. Upon his promotion, he’ll get a Shield slot. As we want Jeremy to deal significant damage through passives while standing on the frontlines, we want a few specific items for him.

  • Sword—Pure offense: We don’t need utility weapons for Jeremy—that can be the job of accessories. Instead, we recommend a good damaging weapon. The Wingcrest Blade has good Base PP up as well as base damage, letting Jeremy spam Following Slashes to his heart’s content.
  • Shield—Bruiser options: You can get away with most shields for Jeremy and be more or less okay. We like a fully upgraded Hunter’s Buckler, thanks to how strong Following Slash is.
  • Accessory—PP Gain: Ancient Crown is fantastic here. We want him to be able to openly spam Following Slash during fights to whittle down enemies who dare attack, and we can afford to go with a plus-one PP option thanks to our Wingcrest Blade.
  • Accessory—Accuracy: Following Slash, our main strategy, is relatively inaccurate thanks to how universal it is. Mirrored Spectacles, with their massive +30 to accuracy, will usually be enough to clear even the most evasive enemies.

Best conditions for Jeremy in Unicorn Overlord

The skill screen for Jeremy in Unicorn Wizard.
Following Slash might seem innocuous, but it’s an excellent way to stack damage. Screenshot by Dot Esports

We’ll start this section with conditions, since our Jeremy is focused so heavily on Following Slash:

  1. Following Slash—Prioritize lowest Phys. DEF: We want Jeremy to spam this, but we don’t want him to headbutt armored units. By targeting lower defense, he’ll be more likely to chew through more dangerous infantry and mages, rather than awkwardly tickling shieldbearers.
  2. Bull Force—PP three or more: Bull Force is an excellent skill that lets Jeremy hit quite hard. But, Following Slash can deal a lot of damage over the course of the fight. We still want to use Bull Force, but give us a chance to land a bunch of Following Slashes first.
  3. Vengeful Guard—PP two or more: Like before, we want to make sure we land Following Slashes. Vengeful Guard stacks damage, which is obviously very welcome, but we don’t want him to use this if there are more Slashes to do.

As for Actives, the following has worked great for us.

  1. Bastard’s Cross—Target HP > 75 percent: Bastard’s Cross is a lot of AP to put into an attack. It can hit very hard, but not much harder than two Heavy Slashes. Still, taking out an enemy in a fight is great, so feel free to either put this first or consider taking it off if Heavy Slash hits hard enough for you.
  2. Killing Chain—Target HP < 50 percent, Prioritize Lower Phys. DEF: Killing Chain hits for lower damage but can refresh AP and start a kill spree. If Jeremy can snipe a low-health enemy, it’s well-worth it.
  3. Heavy Slash—No condition: Jeremy’s basic attack sports a high Potency, so let him slap whomever he wants.
Image of Jason Toro-McCue
Jason Toro-McCue
Contributing writer and member of the RPG beat. Professional writer of five years for sites and apps, including Nerds + Scoundrels and BigBrain. D&D and TTRPG fanatic, perpetual Fighter main in every game he plays.