Best Tatiana loadout in Unicorn Overlord

This Plague Doctor's gonna keep everyone safe. Or else.

A green-haired cleric upgrades to a Bishop in Unicorn Overlord.
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Tatiana is a key unit for midgame Unicorn Overlord, bringing a lot of heals to your army during a time where you don’t have many. Let’s talk about the loadouts which make Tatiana shine for your army.

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Best units to pair with Tatiana

The stat screen for the Doom Knight Gloucester in Unicorn Overlord.
Big, tanky lads work well with a Cleric. Screenshot by Dot Esports

As a Cleric, Tatiana is a very valid choice for almost any squad in Unicorn Overlord. Being able to heal and remove debuffs is a universally loved strength. However, her low damage potential means there are a few unit types she needs to stand beside her.

On a standard squad, we recommend Tatiana stand in the back-left or back-right positions. These corners are generally a bit safer than back-middle from our experience.

  • Gladiator, Berserker: Berserkers like Bruno do their best work at high health.
  • Great Knight, Doom Knight: Great Knights, such as an advanced Clive or Renault, and Doom Knights, like Gloucester, have good durability but can’t take too many hits in a row. Tatiana is an excellent way to keep these mounted fellas alive.
  • Wyvern Rider, Wyvern Master: Like Great Knights, Wyvern Masters like Hilda are fairly durable but far from invincible. Quick Heals and full Heals can let them survive much longer.
  • Legionaire, Vanguard, other Guard units: Tatiana cannot take a hit to save her life. But Hoplites, Fighters, and even Lords like Alain can offer her some protection during fights. In return, she’ll keep these boys alive if they take a big hit from magic.
  • Sorcerer, Warlock: A competent frontrow should be rewarded with a potent backrow. Witches, Wizards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks bring magical potency to Tatiana’s resume. She has a bit of magical damage herself as a Bishop, but not enough to avoid bringing some of these fellas to abuse the relatively low Magickal Defense across the board.

Best equipment for Tatiana

The base stats for the Cleric Tatiana in Unicorn Overlord, shown on the unit select screen
Clerics benefit a lot from boosting their durability, since their survival is critical. Screenshot by Dot Esports

As a Cleric, Tatiana has a Staff slot and two Accessory slots. As a Bishop, this upgrades to three Accessory slots. The following are our recommended items for her:

  • Staff—Utility: There are a lot of utility staves in Unicorn Overlord for you to use as a Cleric. We really like keeping with the Dragonbone Staff, so Tatiana moves last with her big heals and gains an additional Passive Point for Quick Heals. However, Lifeblood Staves are great for if a unit in her squad is dead and you want to pick them up during a safe fight.
  • Accessory One—Survival: Keeping Tatiana alive is the job of your frontline. However, a stray arrow or spell might find its way to her. Keep her safe with accessories like the Thief’s Mantle.
  • Accessory Two—Survival (Counterbuilding): Tatiana can take stray hits, but focused damage and specific counters can ruin her. We recommend keeping stock of strong defensive choices like Undead Rings and using them as encounters demand.
  • Accessory Three—Passive Point Sustain: Tatiana, like all Clerics and Bishops, gets very good passives from both her equipment and class. Sapphire Pendant is great for this slot, though Dream Crowns work if you want the stat boost instead of the extra PP.

Best conditions for Tatiana

The Cleric Tatiana flourishes an attack in Unicorn Overlord.
Conditions aren’t crucial for a Cleric, but small adjustments can be nice for your party’s survivability. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Tatiana boasts a variety of strong healing choices, and will often spam them willy-nilly. Let’s make them a tiny bit more focused, shall we?

  1. Sacred Heal—Prioritize Debuffed: Sacred Heal is a fantastic healing spell and is almost always a better choice than Heal. However, we want to ensure Tatiana heals debuffs first, instead of just damage taken.
  2. Heal—No condition: We don’t mind Tatiana spending most of her AP on healing. Units like Berengaria prefer to eat hits and then get healed later, anyways.

And for passives:

  1. Parting Resurrection—No condition: The condition is someone died on your squad. Get them up.
  2. Quick Heal—No condition: Quick Heal rarely saves lives by itself, but it can prevent someone from dying to a bunch of small hits. This is the big reason we want Tatiana to have more Passive Points.
  3. Refresh—Two or more PP: Sadly, there isn’t an elegant way to cure a full row of allies only if two or more are debuffed. This is usually okay to let her shotgun, as long as it doesn’t eat her last Quick Heal or Parting Resurrection stack.
  4. Lifesaver—Own HP is < 50 percent: Tatiana saves herself before a ht. You don’t want her to spam this necessarily, but you do want her to use it when she’s going to die.
Image of Jason Toro-McCue
Jason Toro-McCue
Contributing writer and member of the RPG beat. Professional writer of five years for sites and apps, including Nerds + Scoundrels and BigBrain. D&D and TTRPG fanatic, perpetual Fighter main in every game he plays.