Alan Wake 2: How to solve the battery amps Cult Stash combination lock code

The horror genre just reached a new milestone.

Saga standing on a dock overlooking a lake in Alan Wake 2.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Cult of the Tree is at it again with their nefarious and inhumane actions in Alan Wake 2 and this time, they’ve done the unthinkable—forced players to solve algebra equations.

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That’s right, there is a Cult Stash that can only be solved by setting up and solving a decently complex algebra equation with word data extrapolated from a riddle.

Here’s how you can overcome this greatest of all evils and solve the Battery Amp Cult Stash in Alan Wake 2.

Where is the Battery Amp Cult Stash in Alan Wake 2?

The map of Downtown Watery in Alan Wake 2, with Saga's player icon highlighting a Cult Stash at the end of a dock.
The Cult strikes again…Screenshot by Dot Esports

Here’s the scariest part of this Cult Stash—you might have read “Algebra equation” and assumed that you already found and completed this Cult Stash, but that might not be the case. This is not the Cult Stash in the back of a red pickup truck in the Bright Falls Woods.

This is a second, more complex algebraic Cult Stash. In fact, this Cult Stash seems to have been placed as internal retaliation to the first mathematic Stash. At the bottom portion of Downtown Watery, a dock leads straight east out onto the lake. This Cult Stash is found at the end of this eastern dock behind some supply boxes.

Here’s the most deranged part. That car Cult Stash with the riddle about the factory and the wheels that made so many Alan Wake 2 players rip their hair out is openly mocked for being too easy in this Cult Stash.

How to solve the Battery Amp Cult Stash in Alan Wake 2

I’m going to warn you all now—this section is going to be straight out of an algebra textbook. If you don’t care about how the sausage is made and you just want to know the correct three numbers you need to input to unlock this Cult Stash, jump forward to the next section. If you’re a brave and honest investigator, read on.

Here is the note left on the battery amp Cult Stash in Downtown Watery.

"That car one was too easy! Here's mine: There are 3 batteries (B1, B2, B3) which have a combined charge of 1600 Amps. B2 has 128 Amps more than B3. B1 has two times as much charge as B3. How many amps does B2 have?"

Whichever Cult member wrote this was being fair when they implied that it would be more difficult to solve than the car puzzle. The car puzzle had only two variables, while this equation has three. Let’s get into solving it!

Step one—convert the riddle into equations

The battery amp riddle on top of a Cult Stash in Alan Wake 2.
Here we go again…Screenshot by Dot Esports

Oftentimes, the hardest part of a word problem like this is simply figuring out how to set up the proper mathematical equation needed to solve it. That quite literally means that the hardest part is knowing exactly what you’re being asked. In this equation, the usage of uncommon variables (B1, B2, and B3) combined with a strange metric (charge and amps) makes the equation seem more difficult than it is.

All this riddle is actually saying is that three numbers add up to 1600. It is asking you what the second of those three numbers is.

The first thing we are going to do is change B1, B2, and B3 to x, y, and z respectively. Why? Because using a variable that includes a number makes everything get murky and unclear. Which is easier to read:

  • 2B3 + 3B2 = B1
  • 2z + 3y = x

Variables are arbitrary placeholders for numbers, so using a number as part of that placeholder is a terrible practice. Shame on you, Unknown Cult Member. Now that we’ve replaced these variables with common and convenient ones, let’s look at what we actually know from the equation.

x + y + z =1600All batteries (x + y + z) combine to 1600.
y = z + 128
battery two (y) has 128 more charge than battery three (z).
x = 2zbattery one (x) has twice as much charge as battery three (z).

Step two—identify which of the three variables can be solved for

Now, we want to solve for battery two (y), but because there are three variables, we cannot do that immediately. When you have three variables in the same problem, you first must solve for whichever variable is used in all three given equations. The only battery mentioned in all three statements is battery three, so the only variable used in all three equations is z. This means that first and foremost, we must solve for z. Once we’ve done that, we can solve for y.

The second and third statements from the riddle both give us ways to easily make z the only variable in the first equation because we already know exactly how to express z and y in terms of z.

(2z) + (z + 128) + z = 1600replaced x and y with their equivalents in terms of z using the data from statements two and three of the riddle.

Step three—solve for z (battery three)

Now that z is the only variable in the first equation, we can easily solve for z.

2z + z + 128 + z = 1600equation as written above.
4z + 128 = 1600simplified by combining like terms (terms with the same variable).
4z = 1472simplified further by subtracting 128 from both sides to begin isolating z.
z = 1472/4divided both sides by four to fully isolate z.
z = 368simplified the last equation by dividing 1472 by 4.
charge of battery three (z) = 368restated information to remind ourselves what we learned.

Now that we know that battery three has a charge of 368 amps, we can easily use this information to solve for battery two’s charge.

Step four—use what we learned to solve the riddle

We have battery three’s charge, and we need to use that information to figure out battery two’s charge. If you glance back at the given statements/equations, you’ll see that the second statement simply states that battery two’s is 128 amps higher than battery three’s charge. In other words:

y = z + 128“B2 (y) has 128 Amps more than B3 (z).”
y = (368) + 128 Inserted our previous solution for battery three (z).
y = 496simplified by combining like terms.
Amperage of B2 = 496restated in the terminology from the riddle

Congratulations, you graduated from Cult of the Tree Math Class! The answer to the riddle is 496.

What is the code for the battery amp Cult Stash in Alan Wake 2?

If you’re coming here from the previous section, you know the answer and I’m oh so very proud of you. If you skipped the math lesson and jumped down here, input 496 on the padlock to unlock the Battery Amp Cult Stash.

If you did jump straight here, you should still consider checking out the previous section so that it doesn’t gnaw away at your conscience and you can explain the riddle to your friends in Discord like it was simple and obvious.

I’m not sure if I’m sad or happy to say that once you have solved this Cult Stash and the car factory Cult Stash in Bright Falls, you’ve finished your mathematical mini-game requirements in Alan Wake 2.

While you’re looting this Cult Stash, make sure you read the note on the inside of the lid! I’m not posting a picture of it in this article because I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but it’s absolutely fantastic and reflects how we’re all feeling after solving not one but two math riddles.

Image of Pierce Bunch
Pierce Bunch
Freelance writer and jack-of-all-games.